Displaying episodes 1 - 12 of 12 in total
Best of Season 1
In Episode 12 of Probably Nothing TZ (@TZhongg) wraps up season 1 with the best moments in each episode. If you're just joining the Islands' community, this is a great...
Ep. 11: Evan Keast (Doodles) breaks down their successful NFT launch
In Episode 11 of Probably Nothing TZ (@TZhongg) and Alexis (@alexisohanian) talk with Evan Keast aka Tulip, who is one of the co-founders of Doodles. Evan has been a p...
Ep. 10: Jacob Martin (The NFT Attorney) shows us how to spot the next big NFT project
In Episode 10 of Probably Nothing TZ (@TZhongg) and Alexis (@alexisohanian) bring on the NFT Attorney, Jacob Martin (@thenftattorney). Jacob has had one of the best 20...
Ep. 9: Mike Dudas on how to properly build a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)
In Episode 9 of Probably Nothing TZ (@TZhongg), Alexis (@alexisohanian), and Mike Dudas (@mdudas) talk about how Links DAO (@LinksDAO) was created in 18 days. Links DA...
Ep. 8: Farokh on building communities from web2 to web3
In Episode 8 of Probably Nothing TZ (@TZhongg) and Alexis (@alexisohanian) chat with Farokh (@farokh), Founder of Rug Radio (@RugRadio). Rug Radio aims to become the f...
Ep. 7: Betty (Deadfellaz)
In Episode 7 of Probably Nothing TZ (@TZhongg) and Alexis (@alexisohanian) chat with Betty (@betty_nft), co-founder and “Horde Mother” of Deadfellaz NFT collection. De...
Ep. 6: Bobby Hundreds
In Episode 6 of Probably Nothing TZ (@TZhongg) and Alexis Ohanian (@alexisohanian) chat with with Bobby Hundreds (@bobbyhundreds), founder of streetwear brand The Hund...
Ep. 5: ThankYouX
On this episode of Probably Nothing TZ (@TZhongg) and Alexis Ohanian (@alexisohanian) chat with ThankYouX (@ThankYouX). ThankyouX, also known as Ryan, is an artist who...
Ep. 4: Noah Davis
On this Episode of Probably Nothing TZ (@TZhongg) and Alexis Ohanian (@alexisohanian) chat with Noah Davis (@NonFungibleNoah) of Christie's. You'll hear Noah discuss h...
Ep. 3: Keith Grossman
On this Episode of Probably Nothing TZ and Alexis Ohanian chat with Keith Grossman, President of Time magazine. You'll hear Keith discuss his journey into the NFT spac...
Ep. 2: Justin Aversano
In Episode 2 of Probably Nothing, Alexis and TZ dive deep in conversation with Justin Aversano about his journey with photography, using NFTs to monetize his art, crea...
Ep. 1: Introducing Probably Nothing
Alexis Ohanian and Tiffany Zhong join forces to create your go-to NFT podcast. In this episode, we start with the question of the hour: What are NFTs and why do we lov...